Welcome to The Episcopal Church of the Ascension! We're glad you are interested in learning more about our parish. Founded in 1953, Church of the Ascension's membership includes families and individuals from the surrounding neighborhoods as well as those who drive nearly an hour to be with us on Sundays. Those who find a home here say that we are not too big and not too small.
We believe we are formed to serve, seeking to make Christ known by our love for all and by respecting the dignity of every human being. We invite you to explore our website and learn more about how we worship, learn, celebrate, and serve together not only in Vestavia Hills but in our broader communities.
Almighty and Eternal God, you call us together as the Ascension family and bind us in Christian love and witness. So focus our hearts and minds upon Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and guide us to know your Holy Spirit in the life of our parish, that we may realize that our similarities are greater than our differences. Help us to recognize your image in all people as we work together as one body in Christ to the glory of your Kingdom now and forever. Amen.
At Ascension, we focus on five core values:
Gospel-centered Worship
Rooted in the liturgical traditions of the apostolic church, our hearts and minds are focused upon our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through the:
a. Proclamation of the gospel
b. Singing of sacred hymns
c. Recitation of common prayer
d. Confession and assurance of forgiveness
e. Receiving of the spiritual food of Christ’s body and blood
Theological Exploration
We believe that the Holy Spirit guides us into all truth not by giving us the right answers but by inviting us to ask better questions within a community who values relationships over ideas.
Generous Hospitality
We believe that God looks upon the whole human family with a spirit of compassion, and we seek to do likewise through our parish family.
Reconciling Community
We seek to model a faith that believes the love of God breaks down the walls that separate making us one body in Christ.
Relationship-based Mission
We believe that all people - the weak and the strong, the rich and the poor, the young and the old – are an essential part of life together in the kingdom of God.