The Ascension Birmingham ECW Scholarship Committee, based on the interest earnings of the Harriette Wise Gwin Scholarship funds invested with the Episcopal Diocese of Alabama’s Pooled Investment Fund, is pleased to announce applications for a scholarship are now being accepted. Applicants may apply twice in a four year period. Although the interest is not overwhelming, we hope it can help with the purchase of books, etc.
Requirements for application are:
1. Member of the Episcopal Church of the Ascension-Birmingham. Vestavia Hills , AL
2. Copy of High School (Senior) final grade report, or last college grading period report.
3. Completed Application form.
Selection will be based on need, academic standing, and application. Applications are available in the Ascension parish office.
Completed form to be returned to the office by or on Sunday, March 30th , 2025 with announcement of recipients by Wednesday, April 30th , 2025.
If you have any questions please contact Barbara Hash, 205-823-4963 or .